In a world where investors increasingly seek to compete on how quickly they can react, Lakehouse competes on patience. We believe a long time horizon provides a structural advantage in equity markets . By extending our time horizon we shift the drivers of our performance away from short-term fluctuations and towards long-term business fundamentals.
We believe in backing our best ideas with conviction. Numerous studies show that managers’ best ideas on average add value, whilst their smaller positions tend to detract value. Likewise, the incremental diversification benefits of additional positions fade quickly. Data validates holding a smaller number of positions that are better understood by our team.
We seek asymmetric opportunities with multiple ways to win and few ways to lose. We are solely focused on compounding our investors' wealth over the long term.
Industry leaders capture an outsized share of industry profits. Growing markets put the wind at their backs and time on their side.
Grounded in loyalty, network effects, and/or unique and enduring IP. Or, one better, directional improvements in those advantages.
Pricing power is the financial distillation of a business’ competitive position. We lean on businesses with price-setter rather than price-taker characteristics.
Investing in a business for the long-term requires a deep understanding of its leaders including their experience, incentives, and track record of capital allocation.
Well capitalised businesses possess optionality that their less advantaged rivals do not, enabling the stronger business to play offense while others play defense.
Better skew the odds of a favourable outcome by paying a reasonable price.
We started Lakehouse to offer investors - alongside friends, family and ourselves -- a vehicle to compound investment savings for the long term. Our goal is to create an enduring boutique investment business known for: alignment, trust and strong long-term investment returns.
Donny Buchanan is a Co-Founder, CIO and Portfolio Manager for the Lakehouse Small Companies Fund. He joined Lakehouse from The Motley Fool.
Previously, Donny worked with QIC’s Global Infrastructure team and as an investment analyst at CP2 (formerly Capital Partners) investing across listed and unlisted markets.
Earlier in his career Donny also worked at KPMG and in the investment services team of one of Australia’s largest super funds, QSuper.
Donny holds a Bachelor of Commerce and a Bachelor of Economics from the University of Queensland. He is a CFA charterholder.
Nick Thomson is the Portfolio Manager for the Lakehouse Global Growth Fund.
Previously, Nick worked at Dakota Capital as an Investment Analyst focused on private and public investments. He directly worked on the raising, deployment and management of multiple investment funds and was based in both Sydney and New York. Earlier on in his career, Nick worked for Liquid Capital as an options market maker.
Nick holds a Bachelor of Commerce (Finance Honours) from the University of Sydney.
Erwin Tan is a Senior Analyst at Lakehouse Capital and Deputy Portfolio Manager for the Lakehouse Small Companies Fund.
Previously, Erwin was a Research Analyst at PAC Partners and PhillipCapital Australia analysing fast growing technology and media companies in the ASX-listed small-and-mid-cap space.
Erwin holds a Bachelor of Business from De La Salle University, Manila and a Master of Finance and Accounting from the University of Technology, Sydney.
Vincent Cheng is an Investment Analyst at Lakehouse Capital.
Vincent supports both the Lakehouse Small Companies Fund and the Lakehouse Global Growth Fund.
Vincent has extensive experience in financial services joining Lakehouse from CCZ Equities, an institutional stockbroking and corporate finance firm, where he was a Lead Analyst. Prior to that Vincent worked for Westpac for 7 years as a Senior Manager across strategy and risk functions. Vincent also has global experience having worked in both Sydney and Hong Kong for PricewaterhouseCoopers as a Senior Risk Consultant.
Vincent holds a Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting and Finance) from the University of NSW as well as a Diploma in Chartered Accounting.
Felix Sun is the Operations Manager and Compliance Officer at Lakehouse Capital.
He is responsible for managing the operational aspects of the business including oversight of fund administration, investment operations, regulatory compliance and key vendor relationships.
Prior to joining Lakehouse, Felix worked at BNP Paribas, Apex Fund Services and Link Group in various operational and registry roles for a number of years.
Felix holds a Master of Professional Accounting & Business from Monash University.
Jeffrey Lau Kwet Sin is an Operations Analyst at Lakehouse Capital, responsible for supporting fund administration, operational efficiency, and regulatory compliance.
Prior to joining Lakehouse, Jeffrey worked at Apex Group Ltd as an Account Manager and at BNP Paribas as an Analyst, where he developed expertise in managed funds, trade management, and client relations.
He holds a Bachelor of Business Administration in Finance from S P Jain School of Global Management, where he studied across Dubai, Singapore and Sydney.